
Hermosa Wood Products Over 140 lots - Complete Closure in Calgary AB Canada

City, State
All Machinery in Beautifully Maintained Condition with lower Than Normal Usage. Featured Equipment: Biesse Rover 7.65 CNC * Weinig Profimat 265 Moulder & Rondomat 960 Knife Grinder * Raimann Multi Rip Saw * Martin 60 Sliding Saw & Martin Shaper with Feeder * Taylor 6-16 Auto Clamp Carrier * Toyota 30 8 Series Dual Tire Forklift with only 1050 hours * 14,500 cfm Dustcollector.

ALSO UP FOR BIDGeneral 390 Bandsaw * SCM Sandya 10RCS 43" Sander * Holzher Sprint 1310 Edgebander * Casadei 24" Planer * Kaeser SK15 Rotary Screw Air Compressor * Kaeser TCH 22 Air Dryer * Engineered Air-Make up Unit  * Transformers * (New) Electrical Panels incl 400AMP * (6) Sections of Lumber Racking


SOLID WOOD & SHEET GOODS:  Over 12,000 BD FT of Solid Cherry & Maple * Cherry & Maple Veneered Sheet Goods * A Large Variety of Melamine Sheet Goods.

HARDWARE, WOOD SCREWS & MISC: Hundreds of Boxes On Pallets of Long Steel Pulls, Door Knobs etc...

Event ID:
6/13/2022 12:10:57 PM PT
First Lot Closes:
6/29/2022 10:00:00 AM PT
# of Lots:
This auction uses Proxy Bidding
Buyers Premium

A 15% Buyer’s Premium will be applied to the final price.

Managed by:
Robert Skeates (416) 904-2475 email: robertskeates@gmail.com
Terms and conditions Value added service options
Wed June 29 at 10:00 am Pacific.
Buyer inspection period
Tue June 28 (10am-2pm)
Pick Up Location
4404 14th St NE Calgary, AB Canada T2E 6T7
Load Out Period
Tue July 05-Tue July 12 2022
Freight Information
MachineryMax does not ship- All buyers responsible for their own freight - For freight quotes please contact your preferred broker, or contact Aaron, at Always Trucking 541-608-6532