TigerStop & saw system, vacuum lift, horizontal band saw - St. Louis, MO
City, State
Starrco, a manufacturer of modular wall systems in St. Louis, MO, is auctioning three (3) machines they no longer need for their manufacturing.
Event ID:
9/17/2021 9:00:00 AM PTFirst Lot Closes:
10/6/2021 11:00:00 AM PT# of Lots:
This auction uses Proxy Bidding
Managed by:
Mike Arnott, MachineryMax Midwest. [email protected] 913-333-8396
Wednesday Oct 6th, 2021
Pick Up Location
11700 Fairgrove Industrial Blvd Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Load Out Period
10-7-2021 through 10-15-2021