14 Lots of Woodworking Machinery - Phoenix, AZ
City, State
Woodworking shop in Phoenix, AZ is selling its excess equipment. List includes Wadkin moulder, Ritter boring machines, Delta jointer, Stromab radial arm saw, Biesse CNC, Timesaver widebelt and more. Assets no longer required for continuing operations.
Event ID:
11/18/2020 11:10:00 AM PTFirst Lot Closes:
12/9/2020 10:00:00 AM PT# of Lots:
This auction uses Proxy Bidding
Managed by:
Jack Ragan, jack@machinerymax.com, 503-806-4611
December 9, 2020 @ 10:00 AM Pacific
Buyer inspection period
By appointment only, contact Jack Ragan
Pick Up Location
4022 W. Turney Ave., Suite 5 Phoenix, AZ 85019
Load Out Period
December 10 - December 22, 2020