Dovetail Industries - Assets No Longer Required - Del Valle, TX
City, State
Custom woodworking and metalworking shop is selling excess equipment no longer required for continuing operations. Costa widebelt with three sanding units; Cosmec CNC with router, tool changer and boring head; two Becker vacuum pumps; Unique face frame table. Great selection ready to go to work in a new shop.
Event ID:
5/14/2020 10:00:00 AM PTFirst Lot Closes:
5/28/2020 10:00:00 AM PT# of Lots:
This auction uses Proxy Bidding
Managed by:
Jack Ragan, 503-806-4611, jack@machinerymax.com
May 28, 2020 @ 10:00 AM Pacific
Buyer inspection period
By appointment only, contact Jack Ragan
Pick Up Location
5235 Hwy. 71 E., Building A Del Valle, TX 78617
Load Out Period
June 1 - June 12, 2020 (by appointment)
Freight Information
MachineryMax does not ship- All buyers responsible for their own freight - For freight quotes please contact your preferred broker, or contact Aaron, at Always Trucking 541-608-6532
Lot 003
Two (2) Becker "VTLF-250-SK" Vacuum Pumps with Stand
Sold Auction
$2,475.00 USD 5/28/20 PT