Variety of Woodworking Machinery at Contract Furniture Manufacturer - Oxnard, CA
City, State
Variety of woodworking machinery at contract furniture manufacturer in Oxnard, CA. Seco dust collectors, Delta jointer, Powermatic planer, and more. Assets no longer required for continuing operations.
Event ID:
1/13/2020 11:00:00 AM PTFirst Lot Closes:
1/28/2020 11:00:00 AM PT# of Lots:
This auction uses Proxy Bidding
Managed by:
Jack Ragan, 503-806-4611, [email protected]
January 28, 2020 @ 11:00 AM Pacific
Buyer inspection period
By appointment only, contact Jack Ragan
Pick Up Location
361 N. Bernoulli Cir. Oxnard, CA 93030
Load Out Period
January 29 - February 7, 2020