Omec "F11 TS" Dovetailer - CNC
Complete Shop Closure - El Cajon, CA
El Cajon, CA
- Winning Bid : $12,000.00 USD Sold
- 62 Bid(s)
- High Bidder: c****k

The Drawer Depot - Complete Plant Closure - El Cajon, CA ( Closed #68502521 )
Complete plant closure featuring, Schelling FH6630 Beam Saw, Weeke BHX 055 Vertical Machining Center, Homag ABD260 Drill and Dowel Machine, Kentwood R340E-MI Gang Rip Saw, Kentwood Moulder, Mereen Johnson 1101-A Dovetail Machine, Omec F11TS Dovetail Machine, DMC 30RCS110 Wide Belt Sander Plus much more!
Pick Up Location
El Cajon, CA
"F11 TS"
Serial Number
230 VOLT
Load Out Period
See Homepage page for removal datess
Estimated Dimensions
6' x 3' x 4'
Estimated Weight
1,250 Lbs
Seller Comment
A non-negotionable loading fee has been established. This includes loading onto a flat bed trailer. Requests for additional labor, crating or pallatization will be extra.
Load Fee
Lot Notes
Includes optional angle attachment
page views
OMEC F11-TS CNC Dovetail Machine
Single routing assembly (2-axes) designed to cut both English and French dovetails
Router motor: 2.2 kW (3HP), 220/380v, 3PH, 18,000 RPM
Minimum workpiece dimensions: 6-2/3" in length, 2-1/3" in width, ¼" long dovetail, fronts: 1/3" thick, sides: 1/3" thick
Maximum workpiece dimensions: 59" in length, 30-1/3" in width, 1" long dovetail, fronts: 2-1/6" thick, sides: 1-1/5" thick
Minimum/maximum dimensions for curved front workpieces
3-1/6" / 8-2/3" width front piece
1/3" / ½" thickness of side piece
Pneumatic clamping
Front mounted control cabinet with touch screen control
Capable of cutting single male or female workpieces or both simultaneously
Includes optional angle attachment
The listed specifications & information were taken from the manufacturer’s published information, internet research, or seller’s description.
The specifications & information are assumed to be correct; however, in no way, guaranteed. Bidders are encouraged to inspect the machine, call with questions, or contact the manufacturer for more information.
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