Weeke "BHX 055" CNC Machining Center - Vertical
Complete Shop Closure - El Cajon, CA
El Cajon, CA
- Winning Bid : $16,750.00 USD Sold
- 35 Bid(s)
- High Bidder: R****8

The Drawer Depot - Complete Plant Closure - El Cajon, CA ( Closed #68502521 )
Complete plant closure featuring, Schelling FH6630 Beam Saw, Weeke BHX 055 Vertical Machining Center, Homag ABD260 Drill and Dowel Machine, Kentwood R340E-MI Gang Rip Saw, Kentwood Moulder, Mereen Johnson 1101-A Dovetail Machine, Omec F11TS Dovetail Machine, DMC 30RCS110 Wide Belt Sander Plus much more!
Pick Up Location
El Cajon, CA
"BHX 055"
Serial Number
Load Out Period
See Homepage page for removal datess
Estimated Dimensions
12.5' x 5.5' x 7/
Estimated Weight
5,000 Lbs
Seller Comment
A rigger is required. Buyer's Responsibility for Break-down, loading and removal. By appointment ONLY!
Load Fee
Lot Notes
Still in use - See Video
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Weeke "BHX 055" CNC Machining Center - Vertical
Flexible "Vertical" Machining Center that uses less than 5 meter² of valuable floor space in addition to an innovative panel handling system.
Max. workable part size for "X" axis is 120" (3,050 mm), "Y" axis 33.4" (850 mm), and max. part thickness 2.4" (60 mm).
Min. worktable part size for "X" axis is 7.8" (200 mm), "Y" axis 2.7" (70 mm), min. part thickness of .47" (12 mm). Automatic infeed & outfeed from the LH or RH side.
The BHX 055 can reach movement speeds of 164 FPM (50 MPM) in "X" & "Y" axis & 50 FPM (15 MPM) in "Z" axis with total safety, providing an unmatched working capacity.
(1) 7 HP (5 kW) Electro Spindle router with hydraulic "Quick Change" tool system & (4) tool holders, variable speed from 6,000 - 18,000 RPM.
17" TFT Monitor; international keyboard, soft-touch keypad & industrial mouse; RS-232 Serial ports, USB ports; Real-time multitask processing; programs can be transferred via diskette or downloading by wire is possible.
Pneumatic part clamping devices; sound enclosure and complete set of safety devices.
The listed specifications & information were taken from the manufacturer’s published information, internet research, or seller’s description.
The specifications & information are assumed to be correct; however, in no way, guaranteed. Bidders are encouraged to inspect the machine, call with questions, or contact the manufacturer for more information.
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