SCM "Olimpic S 1000" edgebander
Complete Shop Sale of RR Laminates in Rocklin, CA
Rocklin, CA
- Winning Bid : $8,900.00 USD Sold
- 24 Bid(s)
- High Bidder: A****s

RR Laminates Retirement Complete Shop Closure - Rocklin, CA ( Closed #68292068 )
RR Laminates of Rocklin CA is retiring and offering all assets of this high end Cabinet Shop. Assets include SCM Complete Load/Unload Cell, SCM Olimpic S1000 Edgebander, Doucet Return Conveyor, Omal CNC Drill and Dowel, CPC Case Clamp, Nederman Dust Collectors, Forklift, Vehicles, Trailers, and much more.
Pick Up Location
1403 Nichols Drive, Rocklin, CA 95765
"Olimpic S 1000"
Serial Number
230 VOLT
Load Out Period
See Homepage page for removal dates
Estimated Dimensions
23' x 4' x 7'
Estimated Weight
6,500 Lbs
Seller Comment
A rigger is required. Buyer's Responsibility for Break-down, loading and removal. By appointment ONLY!
Load Fee
Lot Notes
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SCM "Olimpic S 1000" edgebander
Edge Capacity, 0.4 to15 mm (0.016to 5/8")for strip feeding.
Panel Capacity,min. width50 mmand 140 mm min. length, (2.0" and 5-1/2"). Panel thickness min./max. 8 - 60 mm (3/8" - 2-3/8").
Adjustable In-feed Fence: Manually pre-set with digital indicator andpneumatic panel spacing device.
Pre-Milling Station, RT-E: Spindles 2 x 5.25 HP, 12,000 RPM
Automatic Strip & Coil Feed Magazine: For straight edges and 3 mm guillotine for coils.
Gluing Station, VC/1000: For EVA (Hot Melt) with Teflon coated glue tank and quick disconnect to change glue tanks fast if needed.Heat-up time approx. 10 Min.
Pressure Section: Servo motor positioning, (4)pressure rollers, first larger, Teflon coatedand powered.
End Trimming Station K-SEL:Front & rear 2 x 0.5 HP, 12,000RPMmotorsmounted on THK guides,swivels 0³ - 15°, rapid set up between straight and angled cutting with the automaticswivel cylinder.
Flush Trimming Unit, Rsp: Top/Bottom, 2 x 1.5HP, 12,000 RPMwith 2 pre-set pneumatic positions, flush and overhang, remote pneumatic in/out positioning.
Bevel/Radius TrimmingUnit, Ri/S: Programmable, servo motorpositioning,2 x 1.0 HP - 12.000 RPMmotorsfor change-over on the fly.
Corner Rounding / Trimming Unit, Round-K: For additional top & bottom trimming of linear an/orvertical leading & trailing corner when edgebanding all (4) sides,2 x0.8 HP - 12,000 RPM motor.Comes with (2) pre-set pneumatic positions to allow to go from thick to thin PVC automatically.
Profile Scraping Unit "RAS/1000":Top/Bottom with (2) indexedmanual pre-sets. Large dia. copy wheels for max. accuracy and pneumatic in/out positioning.
Glue Scraping Unit, "Rca/2c": Top/bottom flat glue scraper with pneumatic positioning through controller and air-blow off nozzle to keep the knifes clean.
Buffing Unit "SPN": Top/bottom, oscillating 2 x 0.25 HP - 3,000 RPM motors, tilting up to 12°.
Hot Air Unit:Single blower with adjustable heat range and directional heat shield for top/bottom coverage. Restores color luster on thickPVC edging materials that may be lost during the edge scraping process.
The listed specifications & information were taken from the manufacturer’s published information, internet research, or seller’s description.
The specifications & information are assumed to be correct; however, in no way, guaranteed. Bidders are encouraged to inspect the machine, call with questions, or contact the manufacturer for more information.
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