
Accent Counter - Complete CNC Granite Facility Closure - Redwood City, Ca

City, State
Complete CNC Granite Facility Closure. Featuring: 2014 Prussiani CH60MOG 5 Axis Bridge Saw, 2018 Prussiani Golden Plus CNC Work Center, Marmo Meccanica LCV711 Magnum Edge polishing Machine, 2000lb Gorbel Vacuum Lift w/ Crane, Stone Dust Collector, Striebig Standard 2 Vertical Panel Saw, Elkom Mikutherm-Optima Preheating Station, Kaeser SX7 Rotary Screw Compressor, Hyster S50XL Forklift, Hand tools, Racks, Plus Much More! Over 75 lots available!
Event ID:
3/18/2020 9:19:08 AM PT
First Lot Closes:
4/23/2020 11:00:00 AM PT
# of Lots:
This auction uses Proxy Bidding
Managed by:
Mike Arnott, MachineryMax Midwest. 913-333-8396 mike@machinerymax.com
Terms and conditions Value added service options
Buyer inspection period
Available on request. Contact Mike Arnott 913-333-8396 mike@machinerymax.com
Pick Up Location
426 MacArthur Ave, Redwood City, CA 94063
Load Out Period
4-27-2020 through 5-1-2020