Complete plant closure in Kansas City, Kansas - 200+ lots
City, State
Arbor Wood Products will be auctioning the entire shop. Cantek Moulder, multiple Anderson CNC's, Timesavers wide belt and orbital sanders. Weaver shapers, spray booths, Powermatic tabel saws, Kreg pocket boring machine, Accusystems Miter door machine and bore & dowel machine. Air compressors , jointers, panel saws, forklift, ...200+ lots.
Event ID:
11/8/2019 9:00:00 PM PTFirst Lot Closes:
12/11/2019 10:00:00 AM PT# of Lots:
This auction uses Proxy Bidding
Managed by:
Mike@machinerymax.com 913-333-8396 or Eric@machinerymax.com 704-608-9830
Buyer inspection period
12/5/2019 & 12/6/2019 - 8AM - 4PM Local Time
Pick Up Location
3150 Dodge Road, Kansas City, KS 66115
Load Out Period
Monday 12-16-19 through Friday 12-20-19
Freight Information
MachineryMax does not ship- All buyers responsible for their own freight - For freight quotes please contact your preferred broker, or contact Aaron, at Always Trucking 541-608-6532
Lot 016
Ritter "R275 E/A" Face Frame/Door Clamp Table
Sold Auction
$3,450.00 USD 12/11/19 PT