Shops combining & downsizing - Wichita Falls, TX
City, State
2 Cabinet and millwork shops in Wichita Falls, TX are joining and selling the equipment they will no longer need for production. 50+ lots including SCM 2 head sander, Holz Her panel saw, Mattison rip saw, JLT clamps, Komo CNC, Powermatic machinery and more
Event ID:
3/29/2022 7:24:41 PM PTFirst Lot Closes:
4/20/2022 9:00:00 AM PT# of Lots:
This auction uses Proxy Bidding
Buyers Premium
A 15% Buyer’s Premium will be applied to the final price.
Managed by:
Mike Arnott, MachineryMax Midwest. mike@machinerymax.com 913-333-8396
Buyer inspection period
Available on request. Contact Mike Arnott 913-333-8396 mike@machinerymax.com
Pick Up Location
Wichita Falls, TX
Load Out Period
End of auction through 4-29-2022
Sales Tax
8.75 %